Eating seasonal food requires creativity, the ability to cook, and an adventuresome spirit! The seasons of spring, summer, fall, and winter, form the never ending circle of life. Although the seasons change every three months, some things stay the same.
We must meal plan, buy, and cook each day for nourishment. We must deal with various holidays, and continue on our quest for great weight control, and healthy eating. Eating seasonally provides the best way to enjoy great food.
Our meals and healthy cooking habits are cyclical, just like the trees changing their colors. Soups and stews sound heavenly in the colder months, but heavy and unappetizing in the warmer months. Salads just don’t cut it when it’s cold and we’re looking for comfort food, but hit the spot in summer!
Winter foods tend to be heavy to keep us warm, and summer foods tend to be light to keep us cool. The barbecue is rarely used in winter and the crock pot is rarely used in the summer! The seasons definitely affect our cooking methods and food choices!
Eating seasonal food is a healthy diet habit that most of us don’t practice though. Back in the day, foods and meals were much more seasonal. Certain foods were only available at certain times of the year. Each food had its season, and that season was known by home chefs. Families knew and understood the importance of canning and properly storing foods.
Today, most of us don’t know when certain produce is even in season. We go to the grocery store and foods are trucked in from all over the globe. If we want cauliflower, we can eat it all year long. We have no clue as to when, where, or how our produce arrived at our local grocers. Most of us simply fill our carts with what looks good, cook our meals, and call it a day. Yet seasonal food, raised locally, far surpasses the taste of that which comes from afar. Few of us know this.
My hope is that in the coming year, we will all learn to incorporate the seasonal approach to healthy eating into the way we do life. Simple fresh foods, that are picked and eaten in season, are a delight to the taste buds. Let’s get back to eating simple seasonal food prepared at home. Let’s eliminate packaged foods, full of junk; food products and not real food at all.
Chicken Curry with Vegetables Recipe
Since our kitchen food choices and cooking methods tend to vary with the seasons; I have created four new sections that are specific to fall, winter, spring, and summer! Each section will focus on seasonal weight loss tips, specific holidays, seasonal produce, healthy recipes, healthy cooking, and anything else food related that I can possibly think of for each season.
Vegetarian Fried Rice with Vegetables Recipe
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Life with Fall Foods is about so much more than food: It's about comfort foods, fall cooking, shopping, and dealing with the holidays! |
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Fall Cooking is all about keeping warm and choosing foods that offer comfort, to overcome the gloom of shortened dark days and unruly weather! Tips! |
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This Healthy Fall Snacks list is one that is in keeping with the seasons. It promotes healthy eating of real foods, rather than overly processed food products! |
Fall weight loss tips may take a little planning, but can save you hundreds of calories per day which adds up to weight loss, rather than the dreaded holiday weight gain! |
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Life with winter foods is about so much more than food: it's about healthy eating and weight control when fresh produce is less available and it's difficult to get outside! |
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Winter weight gain happens. Understand why and make the changes necessary to avoid it. A few well calculated strategies can help you to stay out of your fat pants this winter! |
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Winter weight loss tips seem difficult because of the lack of fresh produce and the dark cold days that put a damper on exercise. Find tips that can keep you on your weight loss journey! |
(pages and links coming soon!!)
Life with Spring Food:
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These 7 simple spring weight loss tips can help you lose the winter weight that crept on. Adopt lifestyle solutions to your unhealthy diet habits! |
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See Also:
(pages and links coming soon!!)
Life with Summer Food:
Summer Cooking can be enjoyable when you simplify your cooking, plan light meals, grill out, and follow these easy tips! |
Summer Weight Loss Tips are easiest because fresh fruit and veggies abound, and the weather beckons you outside to activity! |
US and Around the World - Includes the many Health Awareness Days/Weeks/Months
Lots of Food Holidays and Holiday Food Tips!!
Here are my Top 10 Healthy Diet Habits to make Lifestyle Solutions for permanent weight control. Plus links to lots of other tip pages!!
Healthy Fall Tip: Shop Seasonal Produce for the highest quality produce. Most of us have access to all over the world, and have forgotten that produce is seasonal. Now is the time to try: Pumpkin, Sweet Potatoes, Beets, Cranberries, Leeks, Quince, Butternut Squash, Fennel, Grapes, Artichokes, Mushrooms, Broccoli, Broccoli Raabe, Cauliflower, Brussel's Sprouts, Cabbage, Figs, Green Beans, Kale, Pears, Persimmons, Pomegranates, Kohlrabi, Mushrooms, Okra, and Apples!
Healthy Winter Tip: Life with winter foods is about so much more than food: it's about healthy eating and weight control when fresh produce is less available, and it's often difficult to get outside! Winter Foods like Healthy Soups replace salads.
See Also:
With Lifestyle Solutions, you learn to develop a plan to incorporate healthy diet habits into your life and make lifestyle changes for health. It is a new way of life! See the step by step process!
See my 7 Quick & Easy Soup Tips that will help you to prepare healthy soup recipes quickly! From the broth to vegetables, beans, whole grains, and meats. Find shortcuts to help!
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