Healthy Diet Habits Site Map

This page is the Healthy Diet Habits Site Map, or Table of Contents. A Site Map is an overview of the navigational structure of the Healthy Diet Habits website, a quick and easy way of navigating around my site! As pages get built out, I will include the links to the pages on the Healthy Diet Habits Site Map. Search for the item that you want, click on the link, and go straight to the item!

Home Page

Welcome Section

Diet Section

Dieting - Dieting is a multi-million dollar business in the United States. Diets stress willpower. Lifestyle Solutions stress developing healthy eating habits.

Diet Statistics

Eat Right America Program

Tips to Undiet

Weight Gain

Summary of Diet Plans

The summary of Diet Plans page, will provide a list of all of the current top diet programs. From this page, I will link to diet reviews of each diet. Diets don't work, but Healthy Diet Habits Do!!

Emotional Eating Section

Emotional Eating:

Eating Disorders:

  • Anorexia
  • Bulemia
  • Compulsive Overeater

Habits Section

100 Unhealthy Diet Habits that Weigh You Down

Food Deprivation / Denial

Food Habits

Mindless Eating

Portion Distortion


Health Issues Section

Health Weight Problems

  • Asthma
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Celiac Disease
  • Esophageal Cancer
  • Gallstones
  • Heart Disease
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Insulin Resistance, Syndrome X or Pre-Diabetes
  • Kidney Cancer
  • Metabolic Syndrome
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Stomach Cancer
  • Strokes



Healthy Diet Habits - Tips Section

Healthy Diet Habits - Top 10 Tips

Produce Tips: (Fruits and Vegetables)

Produce Tips - Fruit Tips & Vegetable Tips & Seasonal Produce Lists

Seasonal Food Tips

  1. Fall Cooking
  2. Fall Snacks

Healthy Foods Section

Healthy Foods:

Organic Foods

Lifestyle Solutions Section

Lifestyle Solutions

Eating Triggers


Food Cravings


Simple Healthy Eating - The R.I.S.E. Strategy

Weight Loss

Meal Planning Section

  • Figuring Maintenance Calories
  • Meal Planning Chart
  • Healthy Breakfast
    1. Healthy Breakfast Cereals
    2. Healthy Breakfast Ideas
  • Healthy Lunches
    1. Healthy Lunch Ideas
    2. Healthy Lunch Quiz
    3. Healthy Brown Bag Lunch Ideas
    4. Healthy Fast Food Lunches
    5. Super Salad Meal Chart
  • Dinner
  • Snacks
  • Dinner Club - The lost art of entertaining!
  • Putting Together Healthy Weight Loss Meals
  • Putting Together a Quick Meal Plan
  • Tips for Leftovers
    1. Leftover Ham
    2. Repurposing Leftovers
    3. Turkey Leftovers
  • Weekly Menu Planning - Choose YOUR favorite meal types, and match them to a day of the week! Choose 4-5 healthy meals that will fit each theme. Taco Tuesday anyone?
    1. Meatless Monday
  • Unhealthy Food Habits - tricks of Manufacturers that will derail us from our Daily Meal Plan if we are not savvy!!

  • Healthy Holiday Meals

    Healthy Holiday Meals

    1. Healthy Holiday Tips
    2. Holiday Food Plan for Weight Control
    3. Holiday Food to Avoid
    4. Holiday Weight Gain
    5. New Years Day - January 1
    6. New Years Resolutions
    7. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
    8. Chinese New Year 
    9. Groundhog Day - February 2
    10. Super Bowl - (Annual Event not a Holiday)
    11. Valentine's Day - February 14
    12. Presidents Day 
    13. St. Patrick's Day - March 17
    14. Easter 
    15. Earth Day - April 22
    16. Cinco De Mayo - May 5
    17. Mother's Day 
    18. Armed Forces Day 
    19. Memorial Day 
    20. Father's Day 
    21. Fourth of July - July 4
    22. Labor Day 
    23. Columbus Day
    24. Halloween - October 31
    25. Halloween - Halloween Treats Overload
    26. Veteran's Day - November 11
    27. Thanksgiving 
    28. Thanksgiving Recipes
    29. Hanukkah 
    30. Christmas - December 25
    31. New Years Eve - December 31


  • Nutrition Basics
    1. Calorie
    2. Calories and Money
    3. Calorie counts of Foods per Pound
    4. Half Plate Rule
    5. Protein
    6. Fats
    7. Carbohydrates
    8. Glycemic Index
    9. Glycemic Index Chart
    10. Glycemic Index Diet
    11. Fiber
    12. High Fiber Food Chart
    13. Increase Fiber - Learn how to add Fiber to your life!
    14. Sugar
    15. Food Cravings
    16. Meaning of Food Cravings
    17. Ending Food Cravings
    18. Carbohydrates and Weight Gain
    19. Sugar Substitutes
    20. Processed Foods
    21. Real Foods
    22. Salt
    23. Vitamins
    24. Minerals
    25. Phytochemicals or Phytonutrients
    26. Nutrition Confusion
    27. Dietary Problems

    Healthy Eating

    Services (Not Doing at this time)

  • Corporate Wellness Programs
  • Corporate Wellness Classes
  • Food Journaling Consulting
  • Local Nutrition Classes - Woodinville, Washington
  • Private Counseling

  • Shopping

  • Baby Products
  • Grocery Shopping
    1. Buy in Bulk
    2. Costco Substitutions - Food Court & Food Bakery
    3. Farmers Market
    4. Food Frugality
    5. Food Label Reading
    6. Healthy Grocery List
    7. Phone Apps.
    8. Reducing Food Waste
    9. Trader Joe’s Food List
    10. Unhealthy Food Habits - tricks of Manufacturers that will derail us from our Daily Meal Plan if we are not savvy!!
    11. Whole Foods Food List
  • Healthy Diet Habits Store

  • Specialized Nutrition Section

    Coming Soon to the Specialized Nutrition Section!

    • Healthy Athletes (Sports Nutrition)
    • Healthy Seniors
    • Healthy Teens
    • Nutrition for Differently-Abled People

    Community Section

    Hopefully you find the Healthy Diet Habits Site Map makes it a little easier to get around on my website. I am planning about 500 pages for the website, so it will help to have the main topics lined out.

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    Holidays and Observances

    US and Around the World - Includes the many Health Awareness Days/Weeks/Months

    Lots of Food Holidays and Holiday Food Tips!!

    Healthy Cooking

    Healthy Cooking Tips from Healthy Diet Habits

    Healthy Recipes

    Bread Recipes

    Bread Recipes by Healthy Diet  Habits

    Breakfast Recipes

    Breakfast Recipes by Healthy Diet Habits

    Crockpot Recipes

    Crockpot Recipes from Healthy Diet Habits

    Dessert Recipes

    Healthy Dessert Recipes from Healthy Diet Habits

    Main Dish Recipes

    Main Dish Recipes by Healthy Diet Habits

    Pasta Recipes

    Healthy Pasta Recipes by Healthy Diet Habits

    Salad Recipes

    Salad Recipes by Healthy Diet Habits

    Snack Recipes

    Healthy Snack Recipes by Healthy Diet Habits

    (Recipes coming soon!)

    Soup Recipes

    Healthy Soup Recipes by Healthy Diet Habits

    Stews and Sauce Recipes

    Healthy Stew Recipes by Healthy Diet Habits

    Stir Fry Recipes

    Healthy Stir Fry Recipes by Healthy Diet Habits

    Vegetable Recipes

    Vegetable Recipes by Healthy Diet Habits

    Healthy Food Substitutions

    Healthy Food Substitutions - Info/Tips from Healthy Diet Habits
  • Food Substitutions
    1. 100 Calorie Substitutions
    2. Alcohol Substitutions
    3. Dinner Meal Substitutions
    4. Drink Substitutions
    5. Grocery Substitutions List for Shopping
    6. Movie Substitutions
    7. Recipe Substitutions
    8. Restaurant Substitutions
    9. Snack Food Substitutions
    10. Sugar Substitutions
    11. Sweet Substitutions
    12. Sweets, Treats, or Desserts
    13. Chocolate
  • Fast Food Substitutions
    1. Arbys
    2. Burger King
    3. Carls Jr.
    4. Chipotle Mexican Grill
    5. Dairy Queen
    6. Dominos Pizza
    7. Fat Burger
    8. Five Guys Burgers and Fries
    9. Jack in the Box
    10. Jamba Juice
    11. Kentucky Fried Chicken
    12. Little Caesars
    13. McDonalds
    14. Panda Express
    15. Qdoba Mexican Grill
    16. Quiznos
    17. Round Table Pizza
    18. Subway
    19. Taco Bell
    20. Taco Del Mar
    21. Taco Time
    22. Wendys