My Grandmother's Recipe Box
Healthy Recipes are a Lifestyle Solution for fast food in our lives. Many of us eat out for over half of our daily meals. We are busy, tired, and the thought of making a meal does not make sense, when grab and go fast food is so available and cheap. Our kids love fast food, and we aim to please. This is not a healthy diet habit. Our recipe section will focus on quick healthy meals.
My Recipes are being featured as a Recipe of the Day on the Holidays and Observances Website that I'll be doing with my sister! Check out our Daily Holiday Pages!
We will offer a variety of recipes, but most of them will be suitable for everyday dinners that you can prepare quickly. Our goal is to make meals that take a half an hour to complete. If you keep your veggie bin full of a variety of produce, you will always have a quick recipe at your fingertips. Cooking healthy quick recipes at home, can take less time than eating out!
There will be an opportunity below, to Share YOUR Healthy Recipes! (also on each sections pages as we add them)
My Recipes, will be categorized in the following groups: (links and recipes coming soon!)
Appetizer Recipes(Picture and Recipes coming soon!) |
Bread Recipes![]() |
Dessert Recipes![]() |
Dips / Sauces Recipes
(Picture and Recipes coming soon!) |
Fruit Recipes
(Picture and Recipes coming soon!) |
Grain Recipes
(Picture and Recipes coming soon!) |
Salad Recipes![]() |
Snack Recipes![]() (Recipes coming soon!) |
Stir Fry Recipes![]()
Vegetable Recipes![]() |
Please share your recipes that are healthy below,
especially vegetable laden ones, that are low in fat. If your family
loves a recipe that is healthy, others will enjoy it too! If there is a
way to make your recipe healthier by making substitutions, then I will
make suggestions when I review YOUR recipe! Your Recipe will be turned
into it's own web page on our site, and your friends, family, and other
visitors to our site, can make comments and review your recipe. You can share up to four pictures of your recipe, but please share at least ONE Picture, so we can see how delicious looking your recipe looks!
Please Note:
If I feel that a recipe is not healthy, and if I can't think of a way to make substitutions to make it into a healthy recipe, it will not be included. Thanks so much!
Do you have a great Healthy Recipe? Share it!
US and Around the World - Includes the many Health Awareness Days/Weeks/Months
Lots of Food Holidays and Holiday Food Tips!!
With Lifestyle Solutions, you learn to develop a plan to incorporate healthy diet habits into your life and make lifestyle changes for health. It is a new way of life! See the step by step process!
Here are my Top 10 Healthy Diet Habits to make Lifestyle Solutions for permanent weight control. Plus links to lots of other tip pages!!
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